Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Microphone in classroom

Good morning
Today I will talk about  Microphone in big classrooms , I remember when 
I were in college that some of teachers use
  microphone and some of them just talk !  and some of students complain that they can't hear well , also I observe that the strong and raised voice (with microphone) takes more attention from students , it's really can reduce the distraction in classroom .
also students can  use microphone to participation and share their opinions clearly without the famous interruption from  their colleagues (we can't hear , raise your voice)

now no need to carry the traditional microphone by hand , there is new designs of microphones by useing bluetooth .

pictures source : Google image

Dear colleagues
by the end of this module (my last blog)
I want to thank you all for the useful topics , rich data and new information ,
I hope if we all keep our blogs actively and add new topics when we have time, good luck.

Thank you Dr Imad for this opportunity to improve our ICT skills , improve our online search skills , sharing our experiences and getting new information.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Policies That Would Promote Information Technology Use in Education

good afternoon

all of us knows the importance of technology to support education , so policies in all countries should give attention to that . 

 there are four policies should be implemented any where , we can see it in this picture

video link

picture source


Saturday, February 11, 2017


good evening

today I will talk about an important tool for scientific classroom especially mathematics subject. the calculator

children should start to learn calculation operation manually to acquire that skill but after they move to  advanced classes they can use calculator to save time and effort especially in complicated questions ,now calculators is not hardware only , there are calculator applications for mobile and computer , it is very quick and easy to use.

Here the best calculator apps acording to android authority.com

picture source : Google image 

video link 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Technology and parents or teachers supervision

good evening

As we talked in many blogs previously , technology can be a facilitator for teachers and
parents and play an important role to motivate children to learn . 

But we need high organization and supervision to avoid technology disadvantages like laziness  , lack of interaction , lack of thinking and waste of time without benefits. 

 Children need to play together as groups and also need to  individual activities to improve their physical, psychological , social and cognitive abilities .
So parents and teachers should support children to do sports , reading books, practise traditional games , using useful toys ...etc

also they should define a certain time to useing technology in home or classroom and they should be aware of the programs contents, its should be suitable for the age of children.

pictures source : Google image
retrieved on 8 Feb 2017 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Electronic dictionary 2 (Japanese experience)

good morning
I talked in my last blog about electronic dictionary and how I use it , today I will show an instructional experience with it 

The pocket electronic dictionary (PED) has the potential to be a powerful language learning tool. At the same time, it may be seen as an obstacle to communication, a waste of classroom time, and a source of conflict between foreign-language learners and the teachers. foreign-language students, teachers who share the native language of the students, and teachers who are native speakers of the target language. The survey, which takes into account the beliefs, attitudes, and expectations of Japanese learners of English and of their teachers regarding the PED, revealed important differences in their opinions about how and when the dictionary should be used, in the effect of dictionary use on foreign language vocabulary development, and regarding users' needs for training or guidance in the use of electronic dictionaries. The presentation will also recommend means by which understanding of these differing perspectives may help both language learners and teachers make the most of the potential of the electronic dictionary. In formal educational environments, from high school onwards, use of the handheld electronic dictionary is becoming increasingly widespread. In some classrooms, the electronic dictionary is the only dictionary to be seen. It is typically brought to class by a larger proportion of language students than was its paper forebear, and appears to be used more frequently and more indiscriminately than were paper dictionaries. The nature of the electronic dictionary, together with its increased presence in the language class, has wrought various changes both to learner dictionary use and to the role of the teacher in the language classroom, and these merit further investigation. This paper begins with a consideration of some of the ways in which the nature of electronic dictionaries may affect dictionary use. Following this, we report a survey of 124 Japanese university students' knowledge and use of electronic dictionary functions, use of electronic dictionaries in language learning activities, experience and perceived needs of electronic dictionary guidance or training; and electronic dictionary user etiquette. Drawing on the findings of the survey, we will offer suggestions as to language teachers' roles in facilitating more effective electronic dictionary use.

References (internet sources)

retrieved in 5 Feb 2017 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Electronic dictionary

Good evening 
 Today I will talk about electronic dictionary, it can help us to study or teaching languages
it is a smart tool to find the suitable word in any language or  put a word to get its meaning , the traditional dictionary books can play the same role but with more time and effort , also  it is usually expensive , you can using free websites and applications or buy an electronic dictionary  

This is my favorite one http://www.thefreedictionary.com/

I use it on my laptop and I have it as application on my mobile, I can use it to translate from English to a lot of other languages. Some of electronic dictionaries give you a chance to select the language of text and the language of 
translated text like google translator for example .

picture source :google image 
retrieved on 4 Feb 2017 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Educational facebook group

Good evening
Today I will talk about the benefits of facebook groups in education field , we can create an educational facebook group to talk about several curricula , teaching methods and schools , also we can share useful data or ask about it , now there are a lot of instructional groups to learning English , to talk about children socialization , to  share 
scientific information..etc

I have an example for Sudanese group created for mothers and  female teachers to add or ask  about all things which related with schools ( curriculum , location , fees , environment , teaching methods , uniform …etc
That group called (lamatna fi madrasatna) , it is very useful and interactive and I used it to chose a kindergarten for my daughter.

 My colleagues.. why we didn't create our 
??own facebook  group yet

picture source:google image 

Monday, January 30, 2017

E exam 2

Good afternoon

I talked in my last blog about E exam and today I will talk more about it as Dr.Imad suggested 

I have short and small experience with E exam , in my bachelor program there was a course has E exam as a part of assessment with only 20 or 30 marks , we got the exam in computer lap by special website and we have several questions types and defined time , it was very interesting and attractive exam , me and my colleges like it so much . so I hope if  we bring it for our schools and universities, it will saves effort , time , papers and ink ! also it will creates a strong link between students and ICT , all of us know the importance of ICT for education now. 

pictures source: Google image 

Saturday, January 28, 2017

The electronic examinations


I talked in my last topic about online courses and certificates and today I will talk about related topic: The electronic examination.

The electronic exam is a system that involves the conduct of examinations through the web or the intranet.
e exams were developed more than forty years ago for professional certification in the IT industry and progressively evolving as a preferred alternative to PPT in schools, universities, recruiting firms as well as private and public 

Features of e-exam

- Unique questions are generated for each user by randomly selecting and ordering questions and alternative answers.

- Timing is also unique to the individual: Test time is kept by the server. At the end of the allowed time, the test is automatically closed.

- Scoring is flexible. Various schemes can be implemented including negative making, weighted question

- Result is available immediately after the last student leaves the hall

-Various question type/formal can be implemented, including multiple choice

(Yes/No, True/False, single and multiple answer, fill in the blanks and questions with image)

(Internet source )

Google image

retrieved in 28 Jan 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Online courses and certificates

Good afternoon

I will talk today about the basic role of ICT to get international certificates online in many types of sciences like IT , languages , management...etc

Now no need to travel and waste time, money and effort , just visit the website which offers the  course or certificate which you want and complete the procedures of enrollment.

I have an experience with that, In 2011 I  traveled to India as a journey, unfortunately Sudan has blocked from Microsoft exam which I wanted to do , so I went to an institution there and  I got some exams ( 100 multiple choice questions for any exam ) ,
 I Passed my exams in Microsoft MCITP and they send electronic certificates to me.

Alison website for free online courses

Monday, January 23, 2017

The role of ICT in daily life learning

Good afternoon
Today I will talk about ICT in my life

we are learning new things in our daily life (that is called informal education) and I use technology in that , to find answers for any question comes to my mind instead of waste a lot of time to search in traditional books, to collect more data about my studies, to save my important documents as electronic papers , to communicate with friends via social media and also to find electronic copies for my favorite books. 

There are software tools like applications and websites and hardware tools like computer's equipment (printer,scanner,loudspeaker).etc..and the two types are helping me so much
I wait for your experiences with ICT in comments here. Thank you

Pictures references : goggle image
retrieved in 22 Jan 2017

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Social studies and Technology

Teachers must not simply acquire skills that make them proficient at using technology, but also learn how to use technology to make their teaching better than it would be without it. Therefore, preservice instruction enabling teachers to integrate technology seamlessly into lessons is more productive than technology instruction that merely teaches preservice teachers how to use specific computer skills. For example, teachers should not learn how to create PowerPoint presentations or Excel spreadsheets merely with the goal of mastering the technology. Rather, preservice teachers should create PowerPoint presentations that aid in direct instruction of a particular social studies lesson or spreadsheets that help illustrate statistical data significant to the social studies student

To further illustrate this distinction, it is useful to consider an actual example of a preservice teacher who learned technological skills that enhanced her classroom instruction. Nicole Tucker, a preservice elementary teacher in the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia, helped develop a digital history archive, Race and Place: African American Community Histories , as an undergraduate student in one of her history classes. Race and Place contains primary source material on slavery and emancipation, Reconstruction, and the era of Jim Crow segregation in the South. Tucker specifically contributed a rich segment of the archive that details the politics of disenfranchisement . Although Tucker took an instructional technology course

This is just one example of preparing social studies teachers to use technology appropriately. I offer the following five principles as guides for the appropriate infusion of technology in social studies teacher preparation programs.

Extend learning beyond what could be done without technology.

Introduce technology in context.

Include opportunities for students to study relationships among science, technology, and society.

Foster the development of the skills, knowledge, and participation as good citizens in a democratic society.

Contribute to the research and evaluation of social studies and technology.

An audio about Nicole Tucker


Pictures references

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Technology in Education 2

Teacher can using technology to supports his \her teaching methods and techniques and he \she should gives attention of the age of kids or students , the type of subject and also the individual differences .

Teacher can use for example computers , loudspeaker , smart board  and projector which I will talk about it today.

A projector is a device that uses light and lenses to take an image and project a magnified image onto a larger screen or wall. Projectors can magnify still or moving images depending on how they are built. The image must be shone through a sealed tube or frame when passing through the lenses to maintain focus.

Projector can play an important role to implement an effective teaching because of the facilitation of learning by presentations , videos , images, TV programs ..etc

Projector in classroom (video)




References of pictures

projector in classroom - Google Search https://www.google.ae/search?q=what+is+projectors&newwindow=1&client=aff-maxthon-maxthon4&hs=6At&affdom=maxthon.com&channel=t23&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=y_gdVcmZFdDSoASy7oC4CA&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ#newwindow=1&channel=t23&tbm=isch&q=projector+in+classroom

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Technology in Education

 Teacher can using technology to supports his \her teaching methods and techniques and he \she should gives attention of the age of kids or students , the type of subject and also the individual differences .

Teacher can use for example computers , loudspeaker , projector and smart board which I will talk about it today.

Smart Board

The Smart Board interactive whiteboard operates as part of a system that includes the interactive whiteboard, a computer, a projector and whiteboarding software - either Smart Notebook collaborative learning software for education, or Smart Meeting Pro software for business. The components are connected wirelessly or via USB or serial cables. A projector connected to the computer displays the desktop image on the interactive whiteboard. The whiteboard accepts touch input from a finger, pen or other solid object. Smart Board interactive whiteboards are also available as a front-projection flat-panel display – interactive surfaces that fit over plasma or LCD display panels.


References of pictures 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

ICT in education

ICT in education 

ICT is Information and Communication Technology.  ICT in Education  means  Teaching and Learning with ICT 

Educational ICT tools can be divided into 3 categories: Input source, Output source and Others.

 See the following graph

Worldwide research has shown that ICT can lead to improved student learning and better teaching methods. A report made by the National Institute of Multimedia Education in Japan, proved that an  increase in student exposure to educational ICT through curriculum integration has a significant and positive impact on student achievement, especially in terms of "KnowledgeComprehension" · "Practical skill"  and "Presentation skill" in subject areas such as mathematics, science, and social study.
However, you can see that there are many education technology solutions provided in the world which may cause confusion among educators about how to choose the right ICT solution. Let's have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of ICT tools for education and discover what kind of education ICT solution is suitable for your school needs.

Three main advantages of ICT tools for education

1-Through ICT, images can easily be used in teaching and improving the retentive memory of students.

2-Through ICT, teachers can easily explain complex instructions and ensure students' comprehension.

3-Through ICT, teachers are able to create interactive classes and make the lessons more enjoyable, which could improve student attendance and concentration.

Three main challenges of ICT tools for education

1-Setting up the devices can be very troublesome

2-Too expensive to afford

3-Hard for teachers to use with a lack of experience using ICT tools





Retrieved on 14 Jan 2017